Thursday, 28 June 2012

RCA Show

So after a nerve wracking 2 days hanging my show with my brother, it is up, and open to the public. The largest part of it is my finished Giant Squid mural. It uses a gently curved tile shape suggestive of the beautiful glashas bs specimen jars that I saw in the Natural History Museum Darwin Wing. My squid shows a free, more fragmented version. Hopefully vivid and slightly scary! It got a lovely mention on NOTCOT - where this photo is from. My show is open until Sunday evening, but closed on Friday 29th June for the convocation ceremony in the Albert Hall. More detailed photos of my show will most definitely follow soon.
My brother Peter kindly took a day off work as a bookbinder ( come and help hang my show, it would have been SO stressful if he hadn't been there. This is Peter with the paper template we used to work out which tile was which! The final piece was slightly larger than I'd realized, so there was only just enough wall space.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Darwins Octopus and New Tiles

Last week I was very lucky to be able to have a closer look at the Mollusc part of the spirit collection in the Darwin center at the Natural History Museum. My highlights were seeing this enormous beautiful squid beak, and the small pet octopus that belonged to Charles Darwin. I got some ideas for more tiles such as the one above, which will be part of my degree show that is going up this week!